The Tipping Point
Malcolm Gladwell
The power of epidemics: only a few people are needed to start a rash of exponential increase.
Connectors: individuals who are at the center of many different social circles or scenes, thus have access to numerous people – explains the rise of the hush puppies shoe line and Paul Revere’s ride.
Mavens:marketplace experts who go out of their way to give advice.
Salesman: individuals that have the power of persuasion. They have scripted answers for each situation that may arise. The ideal salesman is incredibly optimistic. They equate that to power.
If you want to start an epidemic, you have to have a sticky idea and find the salesman, connectors, and mavens to give it to.
Sesame Street and Blues Clues
The Power of Context – an example is the broken window theory
The Law of 150 people. 150 is the maximum amount (scientifically and behaviorally speaking) that is made up of an effective group. Anything more, and the number becomes unmanageable.
1. Take a small number of resources and focus it on key areas.
2. Our intuition. This is the second lesson of the Tipping Point. Those who are successful at creating social epidemics just do what they think is right.