No B.S. Direct Marketing for Non-Direct Marketing Businesses
Dan Kennedy
The goal of this book: stand out from the crowd of poor marketing and advertising and makes sales now.
For every piece of ad, copy, or marketing follow these rules:
Avoid being a “professional visitor.” Make an offer. Stop running this ad: when you need us; here we are, here’s what we do. Instead, add an offer to call for a free consultation or free download. Nothing goes out of the door without offers.
A plain, vanilla offer won’t move those “sloths” off the couch. Compel them.
Tell the prospect exactly what you want him to do next, how and when, and what happens as soon as he does.
Find out what’s working and what’s not. Track ROI.
Focus on response and sales, not the brand. Brand building is for companies with deep pockets.
If you don’t get a name, phone number, email, etc you’re flushing money down the drain. Follow up, forever.
Don’t be Casper Milquetoast. Be Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Copy full-page mail-order ads. These guys know what they’re doing.
Your opinions or feelings prior to this moment don’t count. That’s the old you believing what you want to believe. If it sells, it’s good. If it doesn’t, it isn’t.
Don’t take in anything that isn’t directly related to direct marketing. Look into The Ultimate Marketing Plan.
The direct marketing triangle requires:
When you craft your message, who are you writing to? Who does it resonate with? And is there MORE of ONE kind than another?
Find out what your potential customers read, watch, listen to, and use. Then market to those avenues.
Match the bait to the critter – pick the platform in which your market frequents. I.e. Pinterest vs LinkedIn
The biggest mistake is being generic. It’s called message-to-market-mismatch.
Media platforms are endless. Find the one that elicits a direct response.
Understand that you can master anything in less than a year to three years. Even more important, as a business owner, you’re not in the industry, you’re in the marketing and sales of that industry. Dedicate an hour a day to this practice, and you’ll be successful.
Make the SALE first then give them the product or service.
Give the client what they WANT, not what they need.